Monday, January 9, 2012

Natural Burn Remedy That Works - Aloe

I had dinner in the oven and was trying to get all the dishes done before the casserole was done cooking. I grabbed the saucepan off the stove to wash, not realizing it was still hot, and put my hand on the bottom. Owww! This was the worst I had ever burnt myself. I put a bag of frozen green beans on it but realized I had to do more because this was a really bad burn. My husband was on the computer so I asked him to look up what to put on a burn. He said aloe will work so he went outside and pulled some aloe off one of our aloe plants. Within minutes the burning had stopped. I kept re-applying the aloe until I went to bed and the next morning I was fine. No blisters. Two of my fingers were slightly red but no pain. Aloe really works for burns! Every cook should have an aloe plant in their backyard just for burns. Now that I have discovered this remedy, I will never have another burn scar on my hands again.

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